Generate a scatter plot of interactions.
use_raw = TRUE,
add.lines = FALSE,
add.text = TRUE,
background.col = "grey",
ligand.col = "red",
receptor.col = "blue",
ligand.pch = 16,
receptor.pch = 16,
point.cex = 1,
label.offset = 1,
ligand.pos = 2,
receptor.pos = 4,
legend.pos = "topright",
Matchmaker object.
Cell identity 1 to plot.
Cell identity 2 to plot.
Ligand name.
Receptor name.
Logic, use raw data or ligand-receptor data. Default is TRUE.
Logic, draw lines between ligand-receptor pairs. Default is FALSE.
Logic, add text for ligands and receptors. Default is TRUE.
Background points color. Default is gray.
Ligand points color. Default is red.
Receptor points color. Default is blue.
Point shape for ligands. Default is 16 (solid circle).
Point shape for receptor. Default is 16 (solid circle).
Point size. Default is 1.
Text label offset. Default is 1.
Ligand label position. Default is 2 (left). See text
Receptor label position. Default is 4 (right). See text
Legend position. Default is 'topright'.
Additioanl arguments passed to plot
Return a scatter plot of interactions.
if (FALSE) {
PlotScatter(object, ident1 = "Tumor", ident2 = "Immune", ligands = "CD274", receptors = "PDCD1")