Generate a network plot of interactions.
selected = FALSE,
which.cell = NULL,
which.gene = NULL,
aggregate = c("cell", "gene"),
counted = FALSE,
filter = FALSE,
low.cutoff = -Inf,
high.cutoff = Inf,
edge.color = "black",
node.color = NULL,
node.size = 5,
layout = NULL,
directed = TRUE,
bidirectional = TRUE,
arrows = TRUE,
louvain = FALSE,
legend.posit = "topright",
legend.breaks = 5,
legend.title = "Interaction Strength",
Matchmaker object.
Use selected data if calculated. Default is FALSE.
Interacting cell type name (saperated by '|' i.e 'DC|Mac') or index to plot. Default is NULL.
Interacting gene name (saperated by '_' i.e 'CSF1_CSF1R') or index to plot. Default is NULL.
Type of aggregation used. Default is none.
cell, aggregated by cell-cell interactions.
gene, aggregated by ligand-receptor pairs.
Aggregate interactions counts instead of strengths. Default is FALSE.
Whether to filter the input data based on low.cutoff and high.cutoff. Default is FALSE.
Lower cutoff bound below which will be removed. Default is negative infinity.
Upper cutoff bound above which will be removed. Default is positive infinity.
Edge color. Default is black.
Node color. Default is NULL.
Node size. Default is 5
Layout used in the plot. Default is NULL.
Whether edges are directed. Default is TRUE.
Whether edges are bidirectional. Default is TRUE.
Whether to draw arrows. Default is TRUE.
Whether to perform louvain clustering. Default is FALSE.
Legend position. Default is topright.
Number of intervals to show. Default is 5.
Legend title. Default is 'Interaction Strength'.
Additioanl arguments passed to qgraph
Return a network plot of interactions.
if (FALSE) {
PlotNetwork(object, aggregate = "cell")