Merge directed (one-way) interactions into undirected (two-way) interactions. For example, before merging, DC1|dM1 and dM1|DC1 represents two different cell-cell interactions. After merging, they will be combined as one undirected cell-cell interaction between DC1 and dM1.
Matchmaker object.
Method to combine complex interaction strength from its subunits. Default is max (maximum).
max, maximum strength of directed interactions.
average, average strength of directed interactions.
min, minimum strength of directed interaction.
Method to combine complex interaction p value from its subunits. Default is min (minimum).
min, minimum p value of directed interactions.
average, average p value of directed interactions.
max, maximum p value of directed interactions.
Returns a Matchmaker object.
if (FALSE) {
object <- Merging(object, strength_merge = "average", pval_merge = "max")