Conduct differential interaction analysis based on permutation similar to Matchmaking
To use this feature, save.perm parameter in Matchmaking
has to be set to TRUE when running Matchmaking.
interaction2 = NULL,
diff.thresh = 1,
p.val.cutoff = 0.05,
p.adjust.method = "none"
Matchmaker object.
Cell-Cell interactions of interests.
Cell-Cell interactions to compare against. Default is NULL, all other cell types except the ones in interaction1 will be used.
Differential interaction strength cutoff, default is 1.
p value cutoff. Default is 0.05
p value adjustment method. Default is "none". See details p.adjust
A data.frame with interaction differences and p values.
if (FALSE) {
object <- Differing(object, interaction1 = "Macrophage|CAF", interaction2 = "Macrophage|Tumor")