Normalize count or other data.
normalization = c("cosine", "lognorm", "none"),
normalize_factor = 10000,
zero_percent = 0.7,
verbose = FALSE
Data to normalize. An N x M matrix with N rows of features and M columns of data points.
Normalization method used. Default is cosine.
cosine, cosine normalization: feature counts for each data point are divided by the L2 norm of them.
lognorm, log normalization: feature counts for each data point are divided by the total sum of them. Then the data is multiplied by the scale.factor before taking a log-transformed by log(1+x).
none, additional normalization is not performed.
Normalization factor used with lognorm method. Default is 10000.
Zero-entry percentage threshold. If the number of zeros in the returned matrices is above this number, a sparse matrix will be returned. Default is 0.7 aka 70%.
Whether to display a process bar. Default is FALSE.
Returns the normalized data.